The International School of Kekako Evangelization of Koinonia John the Baptist is a systematic formation programme that aims to respond to Jesus’ command to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature (cf. Mk 16:15) in a concrete manner, and to the pressing invitation of the Church to a New Evangelization, one which is new in its fervor, method and expression. The School is much more than just a set of courses. The School is a vision with clear objectives and programmes.
The Kerygmatic School aims to transmit a dynamic experience of the kerygma and teaches how to transmit the gospel announcement to others in a simple, effective and creative way.
The Charismatic or Ministerial School aims to supply people with the suitable tools for exercising the various ministries with which the Holy Spirit is creating, developing and consolidating his Church. The Koinonic School aims to supply people with the principles and criteria for living as community, for integral growth and for pastoral guidance, in order to reach full human and spiritual maturity.